What do a sexually promiscuous drunken Zen master and world travel have in common? Well, actually quite a lot in my opinion.
Ikkyu the gentleman in question was a 15th century Japanese monk, allegedly the Emperors illegitimate son who, after being raised in the strict traditions of Zen philosophy, grew up to travel ancient Japan as a vagabond teaching that enlightenment could be deepened through the ‘study’ of alcohol and women. – Sounds like most travellers I know!
Let’s just say that some of his teachings were somewhat controversial, like this little gem:
“Don’t hesitate get laid, that’s wisdom; sitting around chanting, what crap” ― Ikkyu
He taught that essentially life and learning are everywhere and enlightenment can be deepened through living, enjoying and experiencing life. He believed that a moment spent in happiness (however this is achieved ie. Sake and women) is a step closer to enlightenment.
By travelling the world you have ventured down a unique path that most people on this plant will sadly never be able to enjoy (given that 3 billion people on earth live on less than $2 US per day). It’s almost a responsibility to use this time wisely.
So what exactly does that entail? Ikkyu would probably say something like: Take nothing for granted as you go, enjoy each moment and take the time to learn about the world in new ways, all the while having the time of your life.

In my opinion, one of the best ways you can do this while you travel (parties aside) is through learning a new skill you can practice on the road and bring home upon your return.
I’m not saying that you need to come home a doctor and start curing leprosy but instead of just chilling by a pool and sinking beers every day, why not use some of your time to actually learn something useful, as part of enjoying the moment?
Learning a new skill while you travel can be one of the most rewarding experiences in your entire journey (Ikkyu would totally back me up on this).
How to pick up a new skill while abroad: 4 Key points
1) Pick a ‘local’ skill: Picking something destination specific is cool (but not essential). It’s a great way to experience a culture on a deeper level than simple tourism. Learning a local skill allows you to better understand a culture and total immersion is also the quickest method of actually learning anything.
2) Make it Portable: Obviously learning even the basics of a skill requires time, so make sure it’s something that you can easily take from place to place as you go.
3) Stay Focussed: Try and stick to a single skill or at most two new skills to learn. I tend to get excited when I have free time and have trouble focussing on just a couple, but in doing this, tangible results accumulate faster.
4) Follow up: When you do finally decide to weigh anchor and move on, keep up what you’ve learnt. Finding new places to practice is a great way to meet people and see things too.
If you’re unsure about where to start, the obvious one’s a language, (I’m learning French at present), but it literally could be anything that you’re interested in exploring while you’re away.

Think: cooking, language, dance, martial arts, yoga, computer or tech skills.. literally anything you can take with you and learn by yourself and in different schools/dojos/studios the world over.
Travel the world, don’t waste your time and enjoy each moment for what it is. If you learn as you go and come home with more insight and skill than you left with, not only will you probably have a more rewarding journey but you’ll also make a drunken Zen master proud.