DIE YOU DODGY AND EVIL STORE OWNER, DIEEEEE!!! The daydream ends with me chasing the sneaky bastard through the streets of Kusadasi brandishing a screaming chainsaw aloft and laughing maniacally, REVENGE!! – Just another reaction to the many scams in Turkey.
Yes, getting ripped off can really suck, with consequences that range from ruining your day to ruining your whole trip, it’s one of those painful and unforgettable experiences. Having read my previous post on how to avoid Istanbul scams either you want more information or you have been ripped off already and now want to know what you can do about it.
While in Kusadasi recently my girlfriend and I were ripped off close to $1,000, which suffice to say was not my fondest memory of the area, BUT we managed to get our money back. WHAT!! You exclaim, how the hell did you get a refund from a guy who was so dodgy that Dr Evil seemed like a perfect gentleman? Here’s the story and the process of how we did it, with any luck if you’ve been the victim of one of the various scams in Turkey it might be of use.
Our Story in 2 sentences: We bought a leather jacket that was quoted and discussed in Turkish Lira but we were charged in Euro’s.. and stupidly didn’t check the currency properly before paying, we only checked the amount (and there’s a pretty big difference between them). We also didn’t realise that we’d been ripped off until we were 650kms away in another city after checking the credit card statements… not cool.
The place that ripped us off was a leather goods store called ‘Benny’s Shop’ in Kusadasi.. they are evil.. don’t ever shop there… ever.
So what can you do about it if you’ve been the victim of one of the many scams in Turkey and you’re down X amount of your hard-earned money? After an evening spent researching online, we discovered that there was basically NO information about what to do if you are scammed out there at all. Like literally nothing. Most of the travel advice was about how to avoid scams that all had a ‘better luck next time’ sort of approach to actually getting your money back, I was starting to panic.
In this current situation, either one of two things was going to happen:
1) We get the money back
2) I fly back to Kusadasi purchase a chainsaw and live out my for-mentioned daydream.
Here’s what happened next
- We emailed the shop – The ’customer service’ email address we were given was fake.
- We called the shop – The number we were given was not the correct store. I was passed from person to person and after calling them back several more times I finally was able to speak to the dodgy bastard who ripped us off AND he laughed at me, accused me of being drunk and hung up on me. Okay, fuck this guy, this means war.
- We called the police – They laughed at me and hung up. Ok then, fuck the Turkish police too.
The chainsaw growled and spluttered into life in my head, ok it’s on.
After another hour of research, I discovered that there are tourist police in Istanbul specifically there to help foreigners with police matters. The next day we ventured into the middle of Sultanahmet to seek out perhaps the only people who could help us. The Tourism Police are located opposite the Basilica Cistern right near the Blue Mosque. You need to go down the side of the building which is marked (admittedly not that well). There might be a guard out the front with some sort of machine gun too, just for added impact.
After speaking with the police officers there, who could not only speak English but were also very helpful, we reported the scam and the culprits and were given the address of the government department for consumer rights, near Taksim.
We headed to the address we were given, which was 133 Istiklal Ave, close to Taksim Square. The Consumer Rights Office was in a larger government building which was on our left as we walked down the street away from Taksim square, on the historic Istanbul tram line. The building was a rather nondescript doorway with a security guy in the lobby.

Long story short we were led around the building, passed between various people of different rank before calls were made to Benny’s Shop, and an email was sent from the department asking for a refund of the difference between the two currencies and after about 3 hours we were asked to return the following day. On our return the department informed us that the store had responded, saying that a ‘mistake’ had been made and they were going to refund us the difference we were owed. Boom.
However, our contact at the department said it was still not 100% since they still might not actually pay. However, we now had it in writing (email string from a government agency) that the store had admitted fault, which if the Benny’s Shop then refused to pay we could use the email as solid evidence of their ‘mistake’ for disputing the charge with Mastercard.
It took about 2 weeks after our initial visit to the Consumer Rights Office yet we did get our refund of the difference between the currencies in the end, without bloodshed or anybody losing their heads or any other body parts. Special thanks for the work of one particular government employee who I would love to credit here but I can’t pronounce or spell his name, you know who are you are good sir! Hopefully, this post can help someone else out if they are unlucky enough to be on the wrong end of one of the various scams in Turkey. If anyone wants to ask me anything more specific about anything, just flick me an email.
The chainsaw’s grinding screech dies away as I pull the plug.. lucky bastard.
A few tips for getting your money back if you’re the victim of any scams in Turkey
1) Ensure you have all your ‘official’ documents like receipts (if any were provided)
2) Check your travel insurance for fraud/scam coverage
3) Check your credit card insurance for fraud/scam coverage
4) Contact your credit card and dispute the charges
5) Try to contact the shop (if possible)
6) Contact the Turkish authorities as described here.
Scams in Turkey – Resources
Istanbul Tourism Police Hotline – (212) 527 4505
Address: Emniyet Müdürlüğü Turizm Şube Müdürlüğü Yerebatan Cad. No: 6 Sultanahmet, Istanbul
Here’s a screenshot of their location.

The Department of Customer Rights Office – Go there in person, as like the local police non-Turkish speaking calls will simply be hung up on.
Address: 133 Istiklal Ave, head down the street (with the old tram) away from Taksim Square and it will be on your left about a quarter of the way down.
Here’s a picture of the location and entrance.
Remember though that prevention is key (as annoying as that is to hear in hindsight)! Read all about the different and most common scams in Turkey and how best to avoid them here!
Find more tales of travel and high adventure on the Nomadical Sabbatical homepage.
Update: Very pleased to say this page has apparently helped a number of people get their money back, which is just awesome. I don’t check this blog as often as I should these days but a reader recently provided updated contact information which is below. I’ve not verified these details but am just adding them below in addition to the old details still in the original post.
The Department of Customer Rights Office my have relocated from Istiklal Avenue, believe it’s now situated in Kasımpaşa (Nüfus dairesi?), and you can reach them at 02122938598.
Wow! I’m in shock that this worked for you. Great post. I hope people know that most of the people you come across in Turkey are like your government employee who helped you, not the store owner, but it is also a good reminder to check your receipts. While we lived in Turkey, we tried to never pay with a credit card; it’s just too easy for something like this to happen. Another good tip is that the vendors always want to make the sale, so you can have them hold the merchandise and then go get cash to pay for it. Once you have determined and both agreed on a price, it won’t change so there’s no reason to hurry up and buy whatever it is you want.
Yeh great tip about paying with cash Corinne, thanks for the comment, you’re absolutely right about the people though, most Turkish people are really helpful and friendly, it’s just the odd dodgy store owner that gives them a bad reputation !
Great story, thats not how things usually end. It goes against common practice, even in the west it would be impossible to prove your story and misconduct. That’s how i heard it anyway; although ethically wrong overcharging an article is not a crime if the buyer paid in free will and sanity. Hmm, maybe the currency thing is the crime. Besides that; Congratulations! The guy that helped you must have been very convincing, as I understand the culture this means pulling mayor rank or having his cousin the mayor of Kusadasi sending in the goons. I can easily imagine you guys getting lost in some apparatshiks web and having to throw down some extra dollars to oil the machine.
A truely positive story on Turkey and the sense of justice that seems to work in the places where it matters.
Talking about scams – Aegean Airlines is terrible! They will gladly take your money for a ticket and say that you can have a small refund and then not even refund that. I have never seen such a difficult procedure. Things must be bad in Greece when a major airline like this will not perform a small service like a partial refund.
Wow, that really sucks mate. I’ve heard of a few Eastern European Airlines doing the same. That must have been a nightmare!
Good on you for getting the difference back. It is one of the worst feelings to get ripped off while traveling and thinking there is nothing you can do. We will make sure to stay away from Benny’s while we are here. Thanks!!
We just come back from Turkey
Visited Benny’s and went through a very difficult bargaining for a leather jacket we were quoted 1300 TL. My husband the tough negotiator bargained it down to 300TL and paid it cash. After we finished with the purchase of my jacked my husband asked to see one for himself the slick salesman refused to sell him any. He told my husband that he would not do business with him, so we left the store with a bad taste.!!!!
Wow, your husband has very impressive bargaining skills Maria, great work. They probably want to aim for more ‘low hanging fruit’. Glad you guys didn’t get ripped off though. Nice work.
Hi there, Can the The Department of Customer Rights Office & the Tourism Police help you if you get scammed buying Property? Lots of Foreigners I know, including my husband who is Turk got scammed. They have had long drawn out court battles over property that they own but end up not being entitled to, or having to pay more than what was asked etc just to get it back.
Hey Rea, i’m sorry I wish I could help but i’m not sure about that one. I know we were lucky to get our money back and it took days of red tape. Can’t really talk to much about property over there sorry. Best of luck with it though.
Hi, just wondering if you found anybody whp would help you over property scam??
My husband and i were scammed in 2005 and been through shear hell trying to get our money back from a guy in Antalya who is still trading 13 years later.
Would really appreciate any suggestions
So glad to come across this very informative page as I’m headed there in the next couple of months. Thanks =)
Came here looking for advice as I have had the same chainsaw wielding daydream. Have realised I might be overreacting just a smidgen as we were swindled out of around TL40. But every time I read another review of the particular restaurant on Tripadvisor, I realise they have been getting away with this crap since 2010 and I want them shut down and dragged out in the street. Shot down will work too. Ironically they are less than a block from the Department of Customer Rights, so I’m thinking someone at that office is getting fat, free kebabs from Konak every day. I will, however, make an effort to try and report them. Thanks for the advice!
You’re funny. I like you and want your life. You can have my restaurant in return.
Thanks For The Useful Information.I Had a Terrible Experience Last Week And Now That Am Back in My Country I Need To Ask That is there any way that i can complain online.i was ripped of by a bar+scamer .
This was a great post!! Thanks so much for sharing. 🙂
Hi Pete! Do you think we could call the department of costumer rights office?
We have been scammed and lost 450€ because of this. Just came back to sweden, and had our rings valued that we bought from a jewellery. They fooled us big time!
Hi Nathalie, You definitely could give it a go if you have the number. However, I get the feeling that not physically being in the office may work against you (out of sight, out of mind as they say). Best of luck, sorry to hear about the trouble!
Can you complain online after your return to your country?
Unfortunately I don’t think online will get you very far. Best to go in and meet someone face to face if you’re looking to make any headway!
Great article, thanks for the tips! As the point where Asia and Europe meet, Turkey is a culturally fascinating place to visit. However, tourism targeted scams are abound here.
Do be wary of the would you like a drink scam, fake carpets/coins, overpriced items, currency scam, shoe shine scam, no change back, faulty credit card machine scam, rogue taxi drivers, your car/wheel is damaged scam, ferry cruise touts, and many more!
Sanlier travel agency is a scam! They put a table outside the IST custom and claimed to be affiliated with Turkish Airline. They asked my friend to put down a deposit ($1500 USD) for a free tour and said it will be refunded after the tour. Of course, it is a scam! The deposit was never returned. Please be careful and don’t fall for it!
They will give a fake receipt which says Sanlier Travel Agency. Email shows sanlier.travel@gmail.com and Gsm: +905418140026
Hi man… Hatsoff to your post… I came across your post while searching for a solution to a scam… I bought a so called Zultaneit stone ring for 200euros from a big factory in Pammukale Turkey… When I got back to Istanbul I got it checked and came to know its fake synthetic glass… I tried your procedure and went to the Department of Consumer Affairs… Guess what I managed to get my money back!!!! Thanks to you.. Cheers… =)
Mate, that’s great to hear! Feels like justice!
Hey have the same issue with the shop in Pammukale. I’m
Going to go tomorrow to your shop. Thanks hope it works for me
The above company scammed me out of £35,900.00 Pounds saying that they could recover my losses from Aaoptions / CFD Stocks of £333,00.00 they did absolutely nothing just pocketed the money and stopped of communication.
26/4/2018 09:15
Officialchargeback@aol.com From Email received 04/10/2018.
These are all the email addresses to avoid it is all one big SCAM
M H Wilson
During my early days of binary option i fell into a lot of online scams, trying to trade bitcoin and invest in binary options, Which nearly wrecked me out, making me loose up to 259k very confused on what to do until my boss introduced me to an online recovery agent whitecyberwiz at gmail com. A recovery expert who helped me recover all my money back from those scammers. He’s also able to recover any of form of scam.
This is a very useful post. I wish though if there are many sites discuss this issue, because I think, in Turkey, it is a phenomena, it is very common thing, and definitely someday someone will use the chainsaw… 😉 .
Hi gays can I take any advise?
I am victim of a turkish person
I have ordered from a fake website http://www.sophiendalaps.com some baby goods for the price of 6000 euros
It is unpleasant story currently I am hanging from office to office with the police in Bulgaria but still nothing
Can you advice how can get back my money from the Turkish person who has received from me as a deposit 6000 euros and never called back
Also I have requested throughout our bank and reported that I want back my money and it is an fraud but they said the person does not want to send me back the money
Please advise
Who or where do I go to file a complaint in Goztepe turkey. I loan a couple $35,800.00 and was to be paid in 3 to 4 months. It has been 8 months and now they say I am lying . I have my bank papers where the money was transfered to there bank from my bank. Thanks if you can help me
Thank you so much for this information. I enjoyed reading your post too, very humorous in the midst of sheer madness. I almost got scammed too. I am going to Turkey for a surgery and the clinic asked for a deposit ( more than a month before the surgery), I sent the money, afterwards I started to check more carefully his work, all of his five stars reviews on social media I actually went to those people’s profiles to check the “job” and was very disappointed, not counting that he is charging 3 times what other good doctors charge. So I asked if the deposit was refundable, after 2 days I had sent it, and they started a fight over WhatsApp, they didn’t have a good answer so I kept pushing them, they tried to make things personal , but I kept going, I knew those people are dramatic, in the end of a 2 1/2 days battle I got my money back. It was like reality slapped my face. I had this dreamy vacation planned in Turkey, now is like, holy shit, these people come out with crazy ways of screwing people, how am I going to enjoy this place? I am still going to Turkey, I think, but am very skeptical 🤨 now. I am trying to learn survival tips to come back home with a good experience, I’ve been scammed way too many times in my life, I don’t need one more. So far I have: Use the public transportation, or Uber, and carry cash. Any more tips?
Good day. I did online shopping with Chekich ,I bought two pairs of sneaker but unfortunately i received 1 pair in South Africa. Now the retail does not response on my enquiries. I paid them fir two pair but they sent 1 pair via DHL express. Now i feel I’ve been scammed by Chekich which situated in Turkey.
I think I have been scammed by a Maritime Shipping Company in Turkey. We had a contract to bring to box to Australia and they said it would take 72 hours and $2000USD, but that was 10 months ago and it has cost me $80000AUD and it is still not here in Australia but it is in the Philippines and they still want more money. Can anyone suggest someone that I can contact about this. The box has my partners valuables in it and it is being escorted by a dispatcher from Turkey.
Hi, thank you for this information and post I came across your post while I was searching how I can get my issue is solved I came here in Turkey Istanbul I met a person he said that he work with the medical clinic for Dentist I tried to do a Hollywood smile he asked me for $5000 I paid him cash sadly he took me to the dentist they did a very very very bad work they promised me to do one type of job and they did the other one they promised me they’re going to use one type of products and they use totally the opposite one my teeth looked very bad I asked the lab person to try and fix it he refused and he screamed at me and he kicked me out of the lobby I contacted the guy that took me there asking for a refund or at least some of the refund because I paid $5000 he said that’s what we have and that’s what you need to take and you have to except it they left me abandoned in the hospital and when I tried to talk to them again they told me clearly the guy said this is our country if you don’t like it go back to your country to implement your laws this is what we have here
Diana Collection, very close to the Blue Mosque, a 4 story building scammed me out of tens of thousands of dollars. I had them hold silk carpets for me, returned home to the US, sent them a ton of money through my cc companies and they sent me WOOL, IKEA carpets. I tried to return them but they wouldn’t accept them. It’s been 16 months and I’m still fighting. They invoice under these other names too:
1. “Kav Hali Kilim Turizm Ticaret Limited Şirketi” which is an LLC. There is no business called “Diana Collection”. It is just a brand. This is the legal entity behind the brand. Its representatives, who are also owners, are: Bayram Karaselek, Hakan Taştan and Mehmet Cengiz.
2. “Mert Efe Hediyelik Eşya Bilgisayar Ve Turizm İthalat İhracat Dış Ticaret Limited Şirketi” which is an LLC. Its representative is Musa Susatan, and its owner is Fatih Meyzin.
3. “Türk Art Hotel”
If any of these names have scammed you, please reach out to me directly. I’m suing them and have found one person to join in on the suit so far. The more people we find, the more evidence, the more likely these fuckers will go to jail and we can get some money back. Do not hesitate to reach out to me!
peneloperosen@hotmail.com. Thanks!
I really appreciate the helpful information, Pete! I was on the verge of being scammed, but a quick call from the Istanbul Tourism Police to the scammer did the job, and I got my money back.
Just a quick note: The Department of Customer Rights Office has relocated from Istiklal Avenue! From what I’ve heard, it’s now situated in Kasımpaşa (Nüfus dairesi?), and you can reach them at 02122938598. I haven’t visited the new location myself, so it’s a good idea to double-check the address.
Thanks for the update Tommy i’ll update the blog with those details. Really glad to hear that you got your money back!