If you have never been to the Greek Islands get ready to experience something truly unique and amazing. The overbearing chaos of Athens is left far behind in the wake of your high speed ferry as you make your way to one of the most unique, historic and fun archipelago of islands on the planet.
With between 1,200 and 6,000 islands (depending on what you count as an island..) the Greek islands are one of Europe’s most loved and best summer travel destinations, with people coming from all over the world to experience the famous Greek lifestyle and hospitality.
Buried deep in the southern Aegean Sea the Greek island of Santorini is an absolute gem, while quieter then Mykonos in regards to partying its natural beauty, volcanic rock cliffs and famous black sand beaches make the island incredibly special.

To make Santorini even better, it’s relatively cheap compared to many of the other Greek islands which can be a little hard on the hip pocket given the number of tourists that frequent their shores. Hotels on Santorini are a plenty and the best bet to pick up a bargain is to use a hotel finder like Splendia to find a deal on a hotel before arriving on the island.
A major reason for Santorini’s spectacular natural beauty is it’s volcanic activity which is responsible for its amazing cliffs, barren rocks and stunning black sand beaches. The island is home to some of the most recognisable architecture in all of Greece with picturesque white painted villages squatting atop barren red cliffs while cobbled paths connect tiny neo classical churches and large Greek mansions alike.
A particular favourite town of mine Oia, offers some of the most spectacular and romantic scenery in all of Santorini and admiring a sunset from its cobbled streets is one of the most rewarding and amazing experiences you can have on the island.
Hi there! You have just re-lit my desire to visit Greece! I am currently undertaking a “101 things in 1001 days” challenge, and one of the things on my list is: #083 Add 5 blogs written by men to my regular reading list. I found your blog and after about 4 minutes, added you to my list. I went through my first existential crisis 3 months ago… oh wait. I’m still going through it!! Things have certainly changed since then, and it’s nice to read about someone who is really living life, as I, and my family, try to do as much as possible. I look forward to reading about your adventures!