If you haven’t explored the world yet, then you’re limiting yourself more than you ever realise. If you’ve just been to a few countries in Europe, you’re still limiting yourself more than you realise. Each and every country that you could possibly visit across the world would give you a completely different experience to the ones that you might have already been to. We believe that the more exotic and far fetched the country is to you, the better. But that’s not to say that the beautiful city breaks and beach breaks of Europe will give you something to be amazed by, because they will. We simply wanted to start this article by saying you definitely do need to spread your wings and go to the farthest corners of the world, just to see what type of experience you would have. Not think it’s possible? Well, part of this article will be showing you how you can make the impossible possible, and how you can definitely fall in love with another country, potentially even move to another country, and how to live a life that has been fulfilled through travel!
A Free Mindset
A free mindset is definitely one that you need to have if you want to be able to fall in love with another country. Until you have a free mind set, you won’t truly realise how occupied your mind was with everything else going on in your life. So many people don’t travel, yet ask the people that do travel how on earth they have the money to do so. The simple answer they have is that they make it happen. They find a way to get time off work, they find a way to drop everything at home, and they let their mind be free to the idea of travelling. If you’re constantly finding a way to dodge the bullet, then you’re never going to do it. It might be that you’re always making an excuse with work, or perhaps you have a partner that doesn’t want to go travelling with you etc. If any of these apply to you, simply find a way around it. You only get one life and one chance to be able to travel to all of the beautiful countries that you could possibly travel to. You don’t want to look back on it and regret the fact that you had the choice to head to a new country, but you never did!
Countries That Will Steal Your Heart
There are certain countries out there that are really going to steal your heart. The ones that will leave you always wanting more, and will definitely get that feeling of wanderlust in your mind. Even if you don’t want to return to that country, it will just get you in the mood for travelling. In our opinion, Bali is the country that’s going to do this. Bali is just an all round brilliant country. There’s more than you could ever wish to do there, the sun seems to always be shining (apart from in their short lived wet season), and it’s ever so cheap to go there. If you’re coming from countries such as the UK and the US the journey is long, but it’s so worth it. You’ll have such a sense for adventure when you’re there, and all of the temples and incredible scenery you can see will blow your mind. You’ll then get your taste for it. You’ll want to go to countries such as Thailand, Singapore, and all of those south and south east Asia countries that are simply beautiful!
We also recommend going to city breaks such as Rome. They’re really captivating due to the fact there is just so much history, so many happy people, and so much food to eat! You could walk round all day simply looking at the buildings, and still feel as though you had spent the day doing something great! They’re slightly more expensive than other countries you could go to we will admit, but we know you will fall in love with a city vibe.
A Potential Move
There should be absolutely nothing stopping you from moving home if you’re falling in love with a new country. There’s so much to see and do in other walks of life, you just haven’t seen them yet. So, if you feel as though you’re alway one to complain about the way of life in your own country, then why not think about a move? We’ve got a couple of reasons why you might not want to. First of all, just the thought of it sounds like a lot of effort, doesn’t it. Just to move home when in your own country seems like a big pain in the bum doesn’t it, let alone trying to get you and all of your belongings across the ocean! Well, it’s really not that hard, and it’s really not that expensive. Mortgage rates in other countries you will find are actually lower than in countries such as the US and UK. So, even though it might sound like a massive pain to try and move, you could be saving so much money in the long run. Secondly, it might be hard to think about moving a young family, or even wanting to start a family in other country. Well, if you do have children and they are still young, it’s going to be so easy for them to learn another language and to make friends in other country. It would be much harder for older children to move, as they would have already made friends throughout school, and studying in other country might not be the easiest at first. But, in general, moving country is always a good option if you have the wanderlust and desire to give yourself a new fresh life!
The Cheaper Ways Of Falling In Love
There definitely are some cheaper ways of falling in love with a new country if you feel as though money is the thing that’s holding you back the most. First of all, it all depends on what country you’re going to. If you’re going to a city breaks in Europe, then things might be a little harder. But, one thing you could do is stop is hostels and have a bit more of a unique experience. Hostels aren’t for everyone we will admit it, but they are a great way of being able to save money whilst travelling, and you could easily make some new friends along the way. If you’re travelling with a family or partner, then just look for the hotel deals rather than booking a package holiday. It’s so much easier to get a deal compared to just paying what the big tour operators want you to spend. Finding everything to do that’s free whilst you’re there will also save you plenty of money!

Getting Used To Different Ways Of Life
This is one thing you definitely need to be able to do if you’re going to start falling in love with other countries. Not every country out there is going to be like yours, and we know that sometimes there’s nothing better than coming back to your home country after being on holiday and settling back into the way of life that you’re used it. But, if you’re doing this, and not taking in everything in the country you’re going to, then you definitely aren’t making the best of your time there. Taking it back to Bali again, countries such as that have such a better and calmer way of life, yet crazy at the same time. Embracing that and enjoying the religious, crazy, and calm way of life will change your mindset. You’ll also realise that some countries definitely aren’t as fortunate as the one you live in, so the luxuries that you might be used to aren’t there. We also think you should embrace this. Rather than spending your life glued to the technology that might be in the hotel, or in your house, embrace a more free lifestyle and one that isn’t so glued to the luxuries in life!
Appreciating The Small Things
If you do get the opportunity to travel so much, and to see so many different parts of the world, you definitely should learn to appreciate the smaller things in life. From making sure you’re taking in everything you see around you, to simply enjoying the fact that you’re being waited. Take in the small things like the fact that you’ve been able to afford the holiday you’ve gone on, and that you’ve got people to travel, if in fact people have travelled with you! Appreciate the way the locals are with you, and appreciate that you might be able to travel a lot more than them. If you appreciate absolutely everything about it, you’re more likely to travel and travel again! Too many people class a holiday as just a holiday, rather than a once in a lifetime opportunity.
Love your blog! One thing you can update though: Bali is an island in the country of Indonesia (I know that you know this). In the post, it is written that Bali is a country.
If you don’t have an open mindset, You can’t fall in love with another country. I love the way you wrote this article, it’s amazing mate. Thanks for your kind info, you captured amazing pictures. really excited to check this place out.