Foreword from me: The following is a guest post from a good friend of mine who's been travelling pretty consistently for 4 years now (that's right, 4 ...
Read MoreCategory: Destinations
The True Delights of Fethiye: Land & Sea

The port city hub of Fethiye (found in the Southwestern region of Turkey's stunning Turquoise Coast) has to be one of the best destinations I can thin...
Read MoreWhat’s it Like Being an Expat in Singapore?

It’s getting dark as I stroll down Roberson Walk, the canal bubbles and shuffles passed me and it’s warm enough to roll around in shorts that end clos...
Read MoreGoing to Dubai? 7 Reasons To Go Immediately

Going to Dubai? 7 Reasons To Go Immediately
Going to Dubai? Dubai is an interesting place. There's more money than most people know what to do with, ...
What’s it Like Living in Singapore?

What is it like living in Singapore? 'Different' is the obvious answer (humid also springs to mind), we’re not in Kansas anymore Toto! Clearly, we’re ...
Read MoreMy Top 5 City Breaks Worthy To Consider This Summer

I love lying on the beach as much as the next white person and if you believe the stereotype of being Australian, I was basically born on the golden s...
Read MoreVisiting Bali – Beauty, Beaches, Booze & Bogans

The sun was just touching the horizon bathing the world in the beautiful golden light that only a tropical sunset can create and I was sitting on the ...
Read MoreMoving To Singapore: Starting the expat life

“Greetings Sir!” I say to an old Asian man as I walk passed him.
He looks at me as I pass with a face filled with confusion and a little alarm, the...
Read MoreDriving Around Scotland in a Sixt Van

I’m a huge fan of driving. It’s just enjoyable, you have music, wind in your hair and you get to go places sitting down while little explosions blast ...
Read MoreFood in Scotland – What The Hell Happened?!?

This is a post about how bad the food in Scotland actually is, which baffles me since there's just so much potential there. Let’s just preface this po...
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