DIE YOU DODGY AND EVIL STORE OWNER, DIEEEEE!!! The daydream ends with me chasing the sneaky bastard through the streets of Kusadasi brandishing a scre...
Read MoreCategory: Europe
Avoiding Istanbul Scams & Scams in Turkey

Avoiding Istanbul Scams & Scams in Turkey
Istanbul is famous for many things, including its many diverse, creative and thoroughly ingenious scams...
The 10 Best Tourist Attractions in Europe
Putting together a list of the 10 best tourist attractions in Europe was going to take some thought.. after all Europe’s a big place and there are a r...
Read MoreThe 10 Worst Tourist Attractions in Europe

The 10 Worst Tourist Attractions in Europe
Certain times in your life it’s quite natural to be really disappointed... Be it watching a Dockers game, ...
Alternative Berlin – The wacky, the weird and the just plain crazy
Berlin is an interesting place. Words like grungy spring to mind, other words like dirty, interesting and weird also surface in my head as I wande...
Read MoreSachsenhausen Memorial – Visiting a Nazi Concentration Camp
It’s easy to read about history, the horrors of the past are easily disguised between the pages of a history book. A simple sentence could equate ...
Read MoreMalta Versus Spain – Which Is The Best Summer Destination?

Malta Versus Spain - Which Is The Best Summer Destination?
Malta versus Spain, it's a showdown to decide which is the best summer destination. Both a...
Berlin: The Perfect City for a Solo Traveller

Quick Guide to Berlin for a Solo Traveller
I love travelling solo, but it isn't for everyone - See my guide for leaving your job to travel the world ...