Foreword from me: The following is a guest post from a good friend of mine who's been travelling pretty consistently for 4 years now (that's right, 4 ...
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Why I’ve Been Taking a Break From Travelling

Wow, it's been a while! I haven't posted in so long I've forgotten the damn password to the website. I've been busy though, I also have buckets of oth...
Read MoreThe True Delights of Fethiye: Land & Sea

The port city hub of Fethiye (found in the Southwestern region of Turkey's stunning Turquoise Coast) has to be one of the best destinations I can thin...
Read MoreWhat’s it Like Being an Expat in Singapore?

It’s getting dark as I stroll down Roberson Walk, the canal bubbles and shuffles passed me and it’s warm enough to roll around in shorts that end clos...
Read MoreThe Reality of Digital Nomads

The term ‘Digital Nomad’ gets thrown around the mass media so frequently that you’d be hard pressed to find someone online who hasn’t heard it before,...
Read MoreGoing to Dubai? 7 Reasons To Go Immediately

Going to Dubai? 7 Reasons To Go Immediately
Going to Dubai? Dubai is an interesting place. There's more money than most people know what to do with, ...
10 Awesome Travel Books (In No Particular Order)

I've been asked a bit lately to recommend some good travel books (both on the blog but also by some local friends), man that's a tough list to put tog...
Read More5 Of The World’s Most Unusual Cruises

5 Cruise Destinations You're Probably Not Aware Of
When people think of the posh side of holidays, cruises have long been at the top of the list. If ...
Be Medically Prepared For Your Next Trip

It’s so easy to lose yourself over your excitement for an upcoming trip. However, nothing is worse than going on a dream vacation and getting sick (ot...
Read MoreWhat’s it Like Living in Singapore?

What is it like living in Singapore? 'Different' is the obvious answer (humid also springs to mind), we’re not in Kansas anymore Toto! Clearly, we’re ...
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