If Leonardo Da Vinci could see what the average person looks like today he may have revised his famous Vitruvian Man sketch to depict a guy fresh ...
Read MoreAuthor: Pete
3 Common Travel Fears and How to Banish Them

Around the time that sharp sticks were still a new invention, fear had a very real and useful purpose, it stopped you from dying. Some things in life ...
Read MoreTravel Photography Tips 101
The piercing scream of a 10 year old girl echoed across the serene waters of the bay, provoking gasps of concern from 3 local fisherman and a bewi...
Read More5 Good Reasons To Try Slow Travel
I’d imagine that any long term travel you did in the company of someone like Miss South Carolina could be considered slow travel. This is not what...
Read MoreLessons in Happiness From Long Term Travel
Do they use self help books in rural Cambodia? How would a poor Filipino farmer feel about Tony Robbins? Is The Secret much of a success i...
Read MoreCash Saving Tips For Long Term Travel
Yesterday I walked past a homeless man who genuinely had nicer shoes than me. (I refuse to buy new ones, since i’ll be leaving on my next trip in ...
Read MoreContiki Tours and Pre-Packaged Travel
I was halfway down a picturesque river in the Ha-Giang province of Northern Vietnam floating peacefully on a bamboo raft when suddenly, the pe...
Read More13 long term travel essentials you won’t want to forget

Which items do I consider long term travel essentials? Read on to find out! I hate leaving things behind when I travel it vexes me. I once left my hou...
Read MoreTravel, Torture & Passport Applications

There was a horrible period of history during the medieval period where torture was the favourite method of forcing a person to divulge information. O...
Read MoreExplorers, cannibals and baby chickens
I studied design for a time at university and one particular lesson stuck with me. The lecturer asked us to put ourselves in the position of a Eur...
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