Last week, I talked a bit about how that Las Vegas was an American paradox. One topic that I failed to touch on is the Vegas food scene. Many do n...
Read MoreAuthor: Pete
Vegas: The American paradox..
Upon entering the lobby of almost any Vegas hotel your senses will be assaulted with a barrage of sites (and smells) that will amaze, shock and di...
Read MoreFamous and historical European casinos
While the home of casinos may be in places such as Las Vegas in the modern day this was not always the case as casinos in Europe were ac...
Read MoreHow to Plan for Your Vacation Budget
Traveling can cost a lot of money. It is wise to plan your vacation budget in advance so that you can manage your daily expenses for the trip. Som...
Read MoreHow to Beat Homesickness Abroad

Real travel has to be one of the most amazing experiences I think a person can have in their lives. Seeing the world through another cultures eyes, ex...
Read Morelong Distance Travel – Trains Are All About The Journey
When you travel long term you have plenty of time to ponder the big questions. Maybe that’s why philosophy and travel go so we...
Read MoreTravel Better: The Zen of Sake and Learning

What do a sexually promiscuous drunken Zen master and world travel have in common? Well, actually quite a lot in my opinion.
Ikkyu the gentleman in q...
Read MoreCaravans – The New ‘Cool’ in Road Tripping.
Never thought I would say this but.. Caravans are one of my new favourite ways to explore a country. There’s loads of support for them and the com...
Read MoreSanity, Safety and Serial Killers: Bus Rides in America

Bus Rides in America & Why A Cheap Bus Service Is A Bad Idea
Bus vs. Train? Personally, it's hands down the train, no contest. Bus rides can be f...
Long Term Travel is Not a Magic Bullet (Werewolves Don’t Exist)
Last week I joined a discussion on The Huffington Post about leaving a career to travel the world. During our discussion Alex, from Milk...
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